
Sometimes it’s difficult to collect your thoughts and make the right decision. The city is so noisy and bustling that it suppresses the voice of our heart. All you need is to find a piece of mind, hide from this clamor. And the place you are looking for isn’t so far away. A web gallery may become your keepsake. It will help you overcome agitation and will give you some new impressions and feelings. Observing art online will definitely make you relieved and show you the right way.

Don’t be afraid of solitude, it will heal you with the power of art!


I hope that you’ll enjoy looking around!


Dec 26, 2021


January brought along overcast days and almost rainy skies And I wondered what name I could give the love I have for you Because l-o-v-e seems too fragile a word for something that Is so tempestuous and soothing at the same time. February came almost like a whisper, like a... mother waking you On a late Sunday, smelling of


Nov 4, 2021


November has arrived quietly, delicately, with the somber morning light spilling into my kitchen when I make my first cup of tea and the wind, colder than I remember, gently teasing the corners of my face as if to tell me that I should step outside and welcome this month with open arms. Something about November gives me...


Aug 26, 2021


Okay, so here’s a confession. Each day I wake up and look at myself in the mirror I see a stranger I see someone whose flaws I can count at my fingertips – frizzy hair, pigmented skin, stretch marks, uneven limbs, love handles, strawberry spots, bruises and scars I can do all of that as though...


Aug 23, 2021


I fall in love with everything And everyone And every feeling that exists. I know that people say that you shouldn’t love everything Because nothing exists forever, and so won’t your love for it I know that people say that you shouldn’t love everyone Because love is a scam, and we are all going to die alone anyway I know that...


Aug 5, 2021


Listen to me. Take a deep breath. Unclench your jaw. Open your fists. Turn your phone off. Relax your shoulders. I know that this country, this world, all of us are on fire And that you are filled with this hopeless dread One that seems so familiar, like it had just brushed past you A little while ago and is back with a vengeance, but...

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Art has a special influence on our soul. From classic canvases to modern-day abstractions, it has always been one of the strongest emotional drivers for us, humans. In the entire variety of its forms, it inspires us, gives us comfort and encourages us to cherish our individuality. Is it any wonder that art so often becomes an object of social taboo in post-apocalyptic fiction? Without art, the world would have been so much duller! Don’t let your wings wither and betray you! Fill your life with new colors beckoning to you from the canvas and set out on an exciting trip to the bright world of art!