Dec 26, 2021
January brought along overcast days and almost rainy skies and I wondered what name I could give the love I have for you because l-o-v-e seems too fragile a word for something that is so tempestuous and soothing at the same time. February came almost like a whisper, like a... mother waking you on a late Sunday, smelling of waffles and mangoes and I wondered if this pain I felt inside me, in the deepest crevices of my heart, was something that really hurt or was it something I welcomed? March arrived almost like a soothing balm thawing my heart from the little flickers of sunshine it poured down and I, watching you, realized what it meant to love all parts of a person, and how you, like me, craved sunshine and became warmer to touch and so I lingered in hugs and you never let go. April, May, June and July went by so fast that I didn’t know when one began and one ended because they were right when they said that summer is for lovers and I have never felt more loved than being in your arms, having every flavour of ice cream we could find and squiggling our toes into the sand. August and September and October were the months I knew I had to let you go because what good ever really stays forever and I remember holding on to you so tight during those rainy nights that I hoped that the hammering of the rain against the windows would mask the sound of heart screaming out the same thing again and again Stay. Stay. Stay. Won’t you stay? November came and so came the cold and you packed your bags and I saw the twinkle in your eyes that I adore so damn much, dwindle with each passing day as if you’d named a star for each milestone of our love in your eyes and now they were all dimming. December rushed in like an uninvited stranger and I still held the door open because when you love someone, you love them enough to let them go, and so I did and told you to take care and whispered, hoping you’d hear that January wasn’t too far away.