Aug 23, 2021
I fall in love with everything And everyone And every feeling that exists. I know that people say that you shouldn’t love everything Because nothing exists forever, and so won’t your love for it I know that people say that you shouldn’t love everyone Because love is a scam, and we are all going to die alone anyway I know that... people say that you shouldn’t love every feeling Because the chances of you getting hurt increases manifold. But I do believe in a greater something, that there is a holiness Beyond all of us, that transcends all our beliefs and notions And is separate from all our differences and opinions And that is love. I am in love with laughter. How everyone laughs a different way And that when people laugh, really laugh, it’s a more intimate Thing than taking your clothes off in front of a stranger Because that laughter heals you down to your roots. I am in love with nature. How it is everlasting and yet so fragile How clouds can be fluffy and shades of pastel blues and pinks But can also turn tempestuous and hues of vivid greys How the colour green can have a thousand shades and more And how it soothes when you caress a plant and it’s as though There’s some unspoken promise between the plants in your House and you, that you care for them, and they’ll make Your house a home How seasons change, sometimes gradually, and sometimes all At once, how they can make you think of icecream, the smell Of wet earth, the chill of cold air, the sweetness of a dewy morning And make you feel happy and sad and lonely and loved all at once. I am in love with art. The messy kind, the kind that leaves Your favourite clothes stained with paint, The cryptic kind, the kind that means different things to different people The kind that exists on people, tattoos on skin, like a separate Layer of words and images we can never really express, Coloured hair, like all the colours of the rainbow on a person. I am in love with everything, and everyone, and On nights when I feel the loneliest, or days when everything else Seems to be blurry, I try to find a little love for myself.