Nov 04, 2021
November has arrived quietly, delicately, with the somber morning light spilling into my kitchen when I make my first cup of tea and the wind, colder than I remember, gently teasing the corners of my face as if to tell me that I should step outside and welcome this month with open arms. Something about November gives me hope something about the trees not being able to decide whether to make its leaves shrivel and fall or to turn brilliant shades of yellow, orange and red something about the air, that smells like mint chocolate chip icecream something about the way I constantly feel like resting my head against windowpanes and breathing in the clean air against windows of the buses where the rain glitters the glass from the outside something about the way the gravel crunches with dry leaves each time you take a step as though it is keeping you company. November knows that everyone associates it with darkness and the cold and the gloom and the solitude but what people don’t realize that November stands for redemption. It helps you pick up the pieces that you’ve scattered throughout this year and it helps you place them all back together like a puzzle that must be finished before the year ends and it helps you heal, soothes your wounds with rain that falls softly and slowly, almost like a first kiss. november reminds me of home, of the lights in the streets and the colours on people’s clothes and the chatter of happiness. november makes me hopeful, makes me realize that I’ve made it this far and gives me the courage to go a little more ahead.