Mar 13, 2021
March makes me think of the colour green. It is when trees that have shed their leaves in the harsh cold, the way we let go of people whom we love and want to hold on to but they become too heavy for us and so I suppose this month means bringing new people into our lives the kind that make us hold our head high and not droop with despair. March makes me think of skirts the kind that frame your body in such a way that you feel like you belong not to an age where people barely look up from their phones, but instead the Jazz Age, where the dresses had fringes because it meant more fun and gatsby held parties all night long because the air was just a little more sweet at night in the month of March. March makes me think of school the way my heart would beat faster and faster as the exams arrived and yet there was something wonderful about tt. Wonderful in the way we took new pens to school and watched them glide over those answer sheets, hoping, just hoping that we make it through and we do, we always do, and we emerge, albeit a little dented but ready to take on a new year and to make a new set of memories. March makes me think of colours of vibrant hues of magenta and vermillion and emerald smeared against each other’s faces, screams of laughter and threats of throwing water balloons and it all becomes a time when no matter what age you are, the child in you comes out to play. March makes me think of flower buds the ones that my mother agonizes over day in and day out speaking to them as though they were her own children and watering them carefully, watching them grow and beaming as the first bud gives way for a flower to bloom for this is the month of rebirths and new beginnings of starting over and forgiving oneself for the things that we haven’t been able to achieve. March makes me think of dreaming something that we do during our afternoon naps with a thin sheet over us while the fan rotates at a steady pace, almost singing a lullaby and we dream of running across lush fields, barefoot and dream of warmer climes and sunnier days.